
股票代碼 002937

Automotive Components

Automotive Electronic Components is the general term of vehicle body electronic devices and on-board electronic devices, including battery control system, vehicle electronic control unit, motor control system, intelligent cabin and applications in the intelligent connected vehicle.

Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Electrical control Insert molding Parts
Electrical control Insert molding Parts
Battery Insert molding Parts
Electrical control Insert molding Parts
Connector Parts
Copper Busbars
Copper Busbars
Press-fit Pins
图木舒克市| 宽甸| 会昌县| 怀安县| 卓尼县| 清流县| 余干县| 乌拉特前旗| 乃东县| 抚远县| 宽甸| 雷波县| 元谋县| 龙江县| 河南省| 崇州市| 崇明县| 德令哈市| 岱山县| 三原县| 天长市| 黔江区| 无极县| 中牟县| 冀州市| 社会| 嘉善县| 利川市| 连州市| 乌兰浩特市| 柘荣县| 砀山县| 垫江县| 白城市| 永川市| 肃南| 遂昌县| 济宁市| 从化市| 滨州市| 财经|